恶意bad faith; malice
故意deliberate intention; intention; willfulness
重大过失gross negligence
疏忽大意的过失careless and inadvertent negligence
过于自信的过失negligence with undue assumption
损害事实facts of damage
有形损失tangible damage/loss
无形损失intangible damage/loss
财产损失property damage/loss
人身损失personal damage/loss
精神损失spiritual damage/loss
民事责任承担方式methods of bearing civil liability
停止侵害cease the infringing act
排除妨碍exclusion of hindrance; removal of obstacle
消除危险elimination of danger
返还财产restitution of property
恢复原状restitution; restitution of original state
赔偿损失compensate for a loss; indemnify for a loss
支付违约金payment of liquidated damage
消除影响eliminate ill effects
恢复名誉rehabilitate one’s reputation
赔礼道歉extend a formal apology
物权jus ad rem; right in rem; real right
物权制度real right system; right in rem system
一物一权原则the principal of One thing, One Right
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